I started Mother Your Way to offer straightforward, evidence based support for women and their birth partners who aren’t into the ‘fluffy stuff’ typically associated with yoga and hypnobirthing.

I’m all about judgement free, practical and supportive birth preparation. You don’t need to be planning a home birth with whale music to join my classes, I promise!

Come get to know me on instagram @motheryourway_yoga

Hypnobirthing yoga teacher mother holding baby

I’m Tessa, and I grew up and live in Yorkshire.

I have a two year old son, who I was pregnant with during the COVID-19 pandemic. This drastically changed how I had previously envisaged my pregnancy and birth. I never sit still, I love being in control and everything in my life has a To Do list attached. (Yes, I’m that person who makes spreadsheets for their holidays.) The pandemic and pregnancy combined threw me into a tailspin - these were two things I could absolutely not control!

Locked down at home with my husband and cat, I dealt with uncertainty the best way I know how - by doing a lot of research - this time, about pregnancy and birth. That’s how I came across hypnobirthing.

I was initially very skeptical (and so was my husband, to say the least!). I have a Masters degrees in Public Health, and the History of Medicine, so I am trained to scrutinise medical and health statistics, and have a critical eye. I was surprised to discover that there is actually lots of evidence on the benefits of hypnobirthing (see ‘Find out more’).

But I still thought I wasn’t the ‘sort of person’ who did hypnobirthing. I was practicing my hairstyles for my labour and trying to decide if I could get away with a gel manicure for the hospital - and I was pretty sure you needed to wear dungarees and drink green tea to do hypnobirthing, when clearly I was a bike shorts and oat latte mama-to-be.

Luckily, I got over myself and jumped fully into the hypnobirthing world - and I am so glad I did. It totally revolutionised how I felt about birth and my body. I felt informed, confident and calm - regardless of how my birth panned out. I learnt so much, and I’m so excited to share it with you.

Similarly, if you had told me four years ago I would be a qualified prenatal yoga instructor, I would have laughed. I had tried to get into yoga and meditation so many times - and I was convinced that I was just too high energy for it to work on my 100mph brain. But like so many others, pregnancy in lockdown meant no swimming or prenatal exercise classes - so I signed up for an online yoga class and I was sold. Before getting pregnant I had no idea about how taking yoga classes during pregnancy may help in labour. I was really active and fit before (and during) my pregnancy and I loved that yoga helped to keep me feeling flexible and strong, even right at the very end of my pregnancy - very overdue, in a July heatwave!

Hypnobirthing yoga teacher pregnant mother

I can’t wait to work with you at Mother Your Way.

Pregnancy and matrescence (becoming a mother) is one of the wildest times of a woman’s life. Hypnobirthing and yoga helped me through it, in a pandemic. And I want to support you to thrive - not just survive - during this quite literally life changing period.

I’m passionate about putting parents-to-be at the centre of my work. Birth brings babies into the world - but it also brings parents into the world.

Photo of hypnobirthing prenatal yoga teacher


We spend so much time and money thinking about the baby’s nursery, their name, all their cute tiny clothes.

And often we forget (or don’t want to think about) the bit that comes first - their birth.

But giving birth is such a huge part of your experience as a parent, and it deserves more than a fleeting thought.



WHATSAPP: 07516283942