client birth stories
Claudia’s birth story
My recent birth story was very different from my experience with my first child (a 20+ hour labour and epidural). Whilst I have very fond memories of my son's birth, I was hoping for a more straightforward and natural birth this time (all the while keeping in mind that things can change and many elements are out of our control, of course!).
After about 2 weeks of prodromal labour signs, I had a stretch and sweep at 11am on 2nd Jan, the day before my due date. My cervix had clearly been preparing nicely, so I was happy to give the sweep a go.
By 2pm I was experiencing noticeable contractions that were beginning to come at regular intervals, albeit not too strong. I stayed within a calm environment, used the golden thread breath, and played the Sims 4 while doing pelvic tilts and circles on the birth ball (I was aware that the contractions might have been another bout of prodromal labour). I hadn't played the Sims in a long, long time, and oddly enough the Sims family which was based on me, my partner, and our toddler, were about to welcome a new baby girl. My Sim have birth to a baby girl, which seemed like a positive omen.
As the contractions got stronger and I couldn't concentrate on the game, I knew labour had started in earnest and I kept my surroundings dim, drank water, sprayed calming scents, and did some gentle yoga and breathing until surges were every 3-4 minutes. We left for hospital at 5:30pm and I wore a silk sleep mask in the taxi to keep myself in my tranquil mindset through the increasing pain.
We arrived at the LGI at 6pm and it was determined that I was 4-5cm dilated. I ate jelly babies and got through each contraction standing supporter by my partner and moving as well as squeezing an acupressure birthing comb my friend had given me. We noticed a beautiful tangerine sliver of a moon beside a bright white Venus in the night sky and this felt auspicious.
The LGI was extremely busy with birthing activity that night, so we had to wait until 7pm to be shown to the midwife-led Lotus suite. I kept at the forefront of my mind attitudes and sentiments I'd been instilling over the weeks - to with the flow of whatever needed to happen in my surroundings, and that I could do it; I was powerful. My surges were not stronger than me as they were me.
We had a wonderful midwife with us and the room felt nice. At my request passed mats were brought, there was a cascade of fairy lights, and I put on (randomly and without much thought) a playlist of chilled Japanese lo-fi. The more intense the labour got, the more I moved according to what my body needed and became a primal beast making all sorts of instinctive sounds. Sometimes I was supporter by my partner and other times I just went for it on the mat.
Eventually, as that evening was so busy, our midwife told us (I could scarcely take in what she was saying through the intensity) that she was on the home birth team and had regrettably been called to a home birth, so a new midwife would take over. At that moment, however, I just knew that my daughter had heard this and decided now was the moment to arrive.
My partner was eating a sandwich to fuel himself for what he thought was potentially going to be a long night (like last time!), but when he and the midwife realised that the baby's head was coming, he disposed of the wrapper and came to my aid once more to support my all fours/kneeling position while I pushed our daughter out.
The rollercoaster of feelings and hormones was the wildest ride I've ever been on and felt so utterly crazy, yet truly empowering and bestial, yet timelessly human, female. Our daughter Tabitha was born only an hour and a half after we'd got to the birthing suite!
I wholeheartedly feel that the tools and techniques from Tessa's ecosystem of motherhood support greatly assisted me in achieving this beautiful labour and birth of a blessed gift - our new daughter!
Phoebe’s birth story
This is my first baby and I was due 16th dec, booked in for inducing on 20th dec due to reduced movement. I attended Tessa’s prenatal yoga classes until 34 weeks and then subscribed to online classes to keep moving at home. I was still following the tutorials on the day I went into early labour! And I'm so glad that I did as I managed to avoid an induction from the movement.
I went into natural labour by 18th December- I did 20 mins yoga in the morning & started contracting whilst in Home Bargains! I had 2 days in slow labour but by the day of my induction I was already 3cm dilated at 10am and was placed on a ward to wait until I was at least 4cm before going to the delivery suite. I spent the day mainly on a pregnancy ball, contracting every 3 mins or so and breathing through it beautifully. I used the breathing techniques taught in class during labour and to help through contractions.
I was complimented by multiple midwives on my breathing and how well I was handling it all.By 5pm I was 5cm dilated and taken to delivery at 6:30pm. Again, on a ball in the delivery suite, and with a combination of breathing exercises and gas and air, my beautiful baby girl came into the world at 9:23pm. I couldn't be more grateful for my little family.
Ellie’s birth story
Connie is a week old today and weighed 5 pound 11 ounces at birth and both her and I were perfectly healthy following the birth. The midwife lead unit wasn’t open when we arrived in hospital so they gave us a room and said we could have a “midwife lead unit style birth” on the labour ward. The contractions started naturally without induction 11 days past their due date. They lasted 39 hours in total and I managed the contractions without any pain relief relying heavily on the breathing, yoga, and affirmations you taught us whilst going in and out of the bath at home / in hospital (arriving at hospital 26 hours in when the contractions were 3 minutes apart).
Due to a placental abruption, ultimately I required an emergency c section. Despite it being a category 1 emergency c section, the doctor somehow still found time to check our back up birth plan for a c section and agreed we could play our labour playlist and allowed Matt to stay overnight with me in a private room following the birth which wasn’t in line with hospital policy. Connie was out 7 minutes after we entered the room for the c section with impeccable timing to the start of Stevie Wonder’s “Isn’t she lovely” song. S
She was perfectly healthy so they were able to pass her straight to me for skin to skin. We were all allowed to stay together in a private room in hospital for the next 28 hours until we were discharged.
Breast feeding has been going really well too I think all the colostrum we had expressed in advance really took the pressure off.
This week since I gave birth has been so amazing and I cannot thank you enough for giving us the confidence to push back on unnecessary inductions as if we had just followed doctor’s advice blindly without questioning anything they would have induced me almost 5 weeks earlier which given she was only 5 pounds 11 at birth would have meant she’d have been far too small.
Thank you also for giving me the tools to cope through the contractions without any pain relief and helping me approach the birth significantly less afraid!