10 things to pack for a positive hospital birth

You’ll no doubt have seen countless packing lists for your hospital bag and may well be feeling overwhelmed with the amount of stuff you need to get… but trust me, you don’t need make up and a special ‘going home’ outfit for yourself (unless that makes you feel good!). Have you thought about what you need to bring to make YOU feel comfortable, safe and relaxed during your hospital birth, regardless of what path your labour takes?

I shared this list on my Instagram @motheryourway_yoga and it was really popular, so I wanted to share it here too. Let me know what you think! Did I miss anything?

1. Water bottle with straw: so your birth partner can hold it for you throughout labour. It’s so important to keep hydrated, and also great for postpartum (particularly if you’re planning to breast feed… the constant thirst is real!!) I love the Stanley cup dupes you can buy on Amazon.
2. Essential oil: a smell that you associate with relaxation. Ideally use the same scent whilst doing your hypnobirthing visualisation tracks at home during pregnancy to create an anchor. Pop the oil on a piece of cloth and take it with you. Neal’s Yard or Tissard are great quality.
3. Headphones: great for the car journey to hospital, or to help you zone out in labour (listening to visualisations or your playlist)- and a great prompt for people to not ask you questions 😂
4. Eye mask; for the car journey to keep you feeling dark, cosy and chilled (combine with headphones for maximum effect) and/ or for the labour ward to grab some rest or switch off from distractions if the ward or rooms are bright. I love the soft, wrap around ones you can buy from Amazon.
5. Yoga mat: perfect to support you if you opt for labour positions such as all fours or kneeling and want to avoid getting on the bed. You can always add some pillows to get comfy too. This is likely to get messy so you may want to use an old, second hand or cheap one and get rid of it at the hospital.
6. Birth ball: great to keep an UFO (upright forward open) position during labour to help baby move down into the birth canal in the optimum position. If you’re giving birth in a hospital or a midwife led unit (MLU) they usually have these, but if you definitely want one, always good to bring your own. Also a great piece of kit in the final weeks of pregnancy to get baby into position & ease aches and pains.
7. Bluetooth speaker; for your room at the hospital/ MLU, to play your favourite playlist throw and set the ~vibe for your birth
8. Water facial spray: particularly if you’re giving birth in the summer! So refreshing & a lovely way to focus your attention if you’re feeling a bit hot and grumpy
9. Your favourite birth affirmations: make a poster or bring your cards, ask your birth partner to show them to you or read them out during labour
10. Candles or fairy lights: to create a dark, cosy atmosphere for your room to enable to oxytocin to flow


natural nudges for birth


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