You might have heard or seen the acronym ‘BRAIN’ when talking about a decision making tool that is really useful during pregnancy and birth.

This tool enables you to weigh up different factors before making a decision - and is incredibly helpful when deciding whether to accept an intervention, for example, an induction.

Using BRAIN means you are making an informed and well considered decision and I recommend it to all my clients.

Here’s what it stands for...


Think about...

  • What are the benefits of this action to me and my baby?

  • What is the evidence for this benefit? Is it good quality?

  • What is the success rate for this action/intervention?

  • Does it apply to me as an individual, or is the benefit based on a wider group with my characteristic e.g. older mum?


Think about...

  • What are the risks of this action to me and my baby?

  • Are there any long or medium term risks?

  • What are the absolute risks? (Ask for a number e.g. rising from 1 in 1000 rises to 3 in 1000, rather than “the risk triples”)

  • What are the unintended wider risks e.g. on birth experience?

  • What %age of people are likely to experience this risk?


Think about...

  • What other options are there? e.g. scan or waiting rather than induction

  • Could I get a second opinion?

  • What impact would choosing an alternative have?

  • Are there alternatives outside the NHS e.g. alternative therapies ?


Think about...

  • What does my gut feeling say?

  • What feels right for me?

  • What are your personal circumstances or history?


Think about...

  • What are the consequences of doing nothing?

  • Is there additional monitoring available instead?

  • Can I change my mind later?

  • Do I need to make this decision now? Can I have more time?


why making a birth plan isn’t a waste of time


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